Monday, January 28, 2008

James Nachtwey

This photographer has really made it clear that photography is more than art. It's an expressive feature that we have never closely really look at. 
Ideally, journalism is a source of information we tend to rely on and after seeing these photos, there really is no need for text. Although we do need text to communicate. To be able to see those injured and disabled to surf brought me no excuses to not surf anymore. 
This photographer is not only inspirational, but more like a mentor. His beliefs and concepts are not a simple opinion, its a source of knowledge that we all can use. 

Picturing the 50's

I was scanning along Blurb's bookstore, and it seemed impossible to find something I digged. Of course being a random person, I found a random book. It is entitled "Picturing the 50's." Nostalgia is definately a big interest to my art inspirations.
End Post. Peace.

First Day

So this great class starts off with a music video and our first blog setup. From hearing the whole semester plan, it already seems like a good start. I will be planning to improve in my photography skills and I'll be definitely pushing good photos during the field trips.  The projects look ideal for any artist and are quite inspirational. 
End Blog.